Finca Fernández Zurita

Ecology, greenery, nature, and tranquility.

Historia de la Finca FZ


Welcome to the website of Finca Agroturística FZ. This is a family-owned business founded in late 2014 by Jose Fernandez and Lourdes Zurita. It’s a dream come true for the family, and everyone contributes in one way or another to ensure that the business continues to grow positively for the benefit of the region.

The farm spans 17.3 hectares and is divided into sections with plantations of 37 timber species, including 11 endangered native species, as well as ornamental trees of majestic value. There is also a section dedicated to fruit trees with 70 varieties, divided into traditional, rare endangered varieties from the countryside, and exotic ones. The farm also cultivates grains, tubers, and vegetables.

The farm’s infrastructure includes electricity, state-of-the-art digitalized irrigation systems, water footprint monitoring, soil and enviromental monitoring, wifi coverage, a meteteorological station,water supply,nurseriest,trails,panoramic views for photography and ornithology,wildlife conservation, and plant sales.

Services of Finca FZ


Live an unforgettable experience at Finca FZ, located in the El Barrero community, El Marañón district, Soná province, Veraguas. The coordinates are 8° 0’15.79″N 81°16’29.92″W (469473.00 m E 884769.00 m N). It is located 308 km or 4.5 hours away from Panama City and only 69 km or 1.5 hours away from the paradisiacal beaches of southern Sona.


Live an unforgettable experience at Finca FZ, located in the El Barrero community, El Marañón district, Soná province, Veraguas. The coordinates are 8° 0’15.79″N 81°16’29.92″W (469473.00 m E 884769.00 m N). It is located 308 km or 4.5 hours away from Panama City and only 69 km or 1.5 hours away from the paradisiacal beaches of southern Soná.


Live an unforgettable experience at Finca FZ, located in the El Barrero community, El Marañón district, Soná province, Veraguas. The coordinates are 8° 0’15.79″N 81°16’29.92″W (469473.00 m E 884769.00 m N). It is located 308 km or 4.5 hours away from Panama City and only 69 km or 1.5 hours away from the paradisiacal beaches of southern Soná.


We offer exclusive routes for different levels of difficulty, including friendly routes for people with reduced mobility. Experience a unique tour in our plantation of timber and fruit species, all in an eco-friendly environment.



We offer exclusive routes for different levels of difficulty, including friendly routes for people with reduced mobility. Experience a unique tour in our plantation of timber and fruit species, all in an eco-friendly environment


We offer exclusive routes for different levels of difficulty, including friendly routes for people with reduced mobility. Experience a unique tour in our plantation of timber and fruit species, all in an eco-friendly environment.



Experience firsthand the cultivation of seasonal fruits, vegetables, and crops. Get to know a productive model that is enjoyable and respectful to the environment..


Experience firsthand the cultivation of seasonal fruits, vegetables, and crops. Get to know a productive model that is enjoyable and respectful to the environment..


Experience firsthand the cultivation of seasonal fruits, vegetables, and crops. Get to know a productive model that is enjoyable and respectful to the environment..


Experience first-hand the cultivation of seasonal fruits, vegetables, and crops. Get to know a productive model that is pleasant and environmentally respectful.


Experience first-hand the cultivation of seasonal fruits, vegetables, and crops. Get to know a productive model that is pleasant and environmentally respectful.


Experience first-hand the cultivation of seasonal fruits, vegetables, and crops. Get to know a productive model that is pleasant and environmentally respectful.


Experience first-hand the cultivation of seasonal fruits, vegetables, and crops. Get to know a productive model that is pleasant and environmentally respectful.


Experience first-hand the cultivation of seasonal fruits, vegetables, and crops. Get to know a productive model that is pleasant and environmentally respectful.


“Get in touch with the flora and blooming of aromatic, ornamental, and medicinal plants, and discover their qualities in a unique environment.”


“Get in touch with the flora and blooming of aromatic, ornamental, and medicinal plants, and discover their qualities in a unique environment.”


Enjoy exceptional landscapes, sunsets, mist, photography tours, camping, and more.


Enjoy exceptional landscapes, sunsets, mist, photography tours, camping, and more.  


Enjoy exceptional landscapes, sunsets, mist, photography tours, camping, and more.


¿Quiénes somos?

Somos el resultado de la ilusión y el esfuerzo de una familia panameña, creyente que en las raíces está la verdadera felicidad y la salud.

Nuestra ubicación y filosofía nos permite disfrutar de la tranquilidad del interior del país y la naturaleza, para tener como resultado una experiencia relajante, apreciando las bondades que nos ofrece el entorno; tales como: disfrutar del cultivo de las frutas de temporada, dar un paseo por algunos de los senderos, sentarse en algún mirador para apreciar el paisaje, hacer ejercicio, practicar yoga al amanecer con vistas inmejorables, meditar, descansar en una hamaca alejado del ruido de la ciudad.


Brindar una experiencia inolvidable y compartir con ustedes el placer de vivir de cerca con la naturaleza, los procesos de producción de Maderables del más alto valor comercial en el mercado internacional frutas y vegetales e intentar inculcar un estilo de vida distinto y saludable. Se pretende que la experiencia en Finca FZ siembre en ustedes la semilla de la preservación del medio ambiente. Esto se logrará mostrando la naturaleza como el medio que garantizará el futuro, y que puede ayudarnos incluso a ahorrar dinero.


Convertirnos en la Finca de referencia de la región en cuanto a conservación y mejoramiento del ecosistema. Ser el espacio de conocimientos, investigación, experimentación, salud y vivencias de la región. Ser el modelo de vida integral de cara a un futuro, las ventajas de la sostenibilidad y la necesidad de regresar a nuestras raíces.

Proyecto de Inversión Agroforestal Turístico, integrado con sus infraestructuras pioneras de tecnología de punta en la Transformación Digital. Convertido en un Jardín Botánico sustentado en publicación No. 3(2), 87-103, 2021 de revista científica Investigación Agrícola Peruana..

Digital Transformation of FZ Farm.

LoRa IoT networks with the highest digital real-time standards at Agroforestry Farm, implementation of QR codes throughout the plantation, monitoring with sensors for soil temperature, humidity, EC, pH, nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, environmental sensors for light and wind, monitoring of water footprint, water level sensors for irrigation
system, meteorological station, WiFi coverage, monitoring of irrigation system and water footprint.

Digital Transformation of FZ Farm.

LoRa IoT networks with the highest digital real-time standards at Agroforestry Farm, implementation of QR codes throughout the plantation, monitoring with sensors for soil temperature, humidity, EC, pH, nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, environmental sensors for light and wind, monitoring of water footprint, water level sensors for irrigation
system, meteorological station, WiFi coverage, monitoring of irrigation system and water footprint.

Digital Transformation of FZ Farm.

LoRa IoT networks with the highest digital real-time standards at Agroforestry Farm, implementation of QR codes throughout the plantation, monitoring with sensors for soil temperature, humidity, EC, pH, nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, environmental sensors for light and wind, monitoring of water footprint, water level sensors for irrigation
system, meteorological station, WiFi coverage, monitoring of irrigation system and water footprint.

¿Hiking o Downhill?
¡Tu Decides!

!Juegos Extremos!



El ing. Cadavid ratifica la metodología y los avances que se logran en el proyecto ubicándolo como Finca Modelo”

“El doctor Randy Atencio después de un análisis del proyecto, concluye que es Modelo para investigaciones, estudios de alto potencial a convertir en un Jardín Botánico”


“Estudiantes expresan su agradecimiento por las experiencias vividas en su jornada de capacitación en Finca FZ” 

La Doctora trata de dar un llamado a las autoridades de ambiente, con el fin de llegar a las personas que promueben proyectos incluso nos invita a visitar la Finca FZ.


  • Ecología, verdor, naturaleza y tranquilidad se unen en Finca FZ, destino de paso a las playas del sur de Veraguas convertido en un Paraíso Ecológico. El Proyecto comprende de 17,3 hectáreas, situadas en la comunidad de El Barrero corregimiento de El Marañón, distrito de Soná, república de Panamá coordenadas 8° 0'15.79"N    81°16'29.92"O. (469473.00 m E   884769.00 m N) en las fértiles tierras de la provincia de Veraguas, rumbo hacia las playas del sur de la provincia y rodeado de un entorno natural envidiable. La producción ha sido orientada y supervisada desde el inicio por las autoridades correspondientes Ministerio de Ambiente y Ministerio de Desarrollo Agropecuario de Panamá, buscando una alta calidad desde su origen, con un estricto control del cultivo.

  1. Cocobolo 99.7% y Almendro de Montaña .03%
  2. Cocobolo 
  3. Caoba y Roble
  4. Pino, Guayacán
  5. Cocobolo
  6. Quirá, Amarillo, Almendro de Montaña y Bálsamo
  7. Bosque
  8. Nazareno, Almendro Montaña, Caoba
  9. Frutales
  10. Frutales
  11. Futura Reforestación Almendro Montaña
  12. Infraestructuras, Recepción y Viveros
  • Innovamos con la Transformación Digital de Finca FZ contamos con el “Inventario Forestal de 107 especies” entre Frutales y Maderables todas bajo código "QR" y la puesta en marcha las Redes “IoT” “LoRa” alcanzando uno de los más altos niveles de modernización digital de control Nutrientes de Suelos, Ambiente, Huella Hídrica, Riegos, Estación Meteorológica, sistematización proyecto, control del robo en plantación, trazabilidad entre otros.




The farm is a timber investment with species such as Cocobolo (Dalbergia retusa), Nazareno (Peltogyne purpurea), Almendro de Montaña (Dipteryx oleífera), Quira (Platymiscium pinnatum), marillo (Terminalia amazonia), Bálsamo (Myroxylon balsamun), Níspero (Manilkara zapota), Caoba (Swietenia macrophylla), Cedro Amargo (Cedrela odorata), Pino (Pinus caribaea), Guayacán (Handroanthus guayacán), Roble de Sabana (Tabebuia rosea).

We also planted fruit species such as mango, cashew, water apple, guava, banana, passion fruit, pixvae, coconut, Chinese gooseberry, mangosteen, avocado, cherry, dragon fruit, native papaya, star apple, soursop, orange, lemon, tangerine, cashew apple, among others. The farm features the Cerro de la Cruz, offering the best panoramic views of the El Barrero region. It is the highest point of the farm and one of its main attractions. The name comes from the imposing cross that stands at its summit, visible in the surrounding area. This hill is known for the pilgrimages during Holy Week and for the Day of the Cross (September 14). Historically, it was part of the route to Cerro Petengue, where initiation rituals for young indigenous people were held. The youths had to overcome great dangers to reach its summit and light bonfires as a sign of their success, indicating that they were ready for their adult life.


          -Contact us-

+(507) 6928-4519/+(507) 6219-9745

+(507) 6363-8103

El Barrero de El Marañón, Distrito de Soná, Provincia de Veraguas, República de Panamá.

Finca Fernández Zurita

Abrir Google Maps

El Barrero de El Marañón, Distrito de Soná, Provincia de Veraguas